Thursday, August 26, 2010

I'm going to be on the radio!

Got an e-mail this morning asking if I'd like to be part of a discussion on baby names in the UK.  It's going to be broadcast on local BBC stations around the country on Sunday morning, so tune in if you're able to.  The main programme is focused on faith, so I'll start by focussing on religious and spiritual names (Rachel, John, Mohammed, etc), but after that it's going to turn to Samantha Cameron's new baby girl and why parents chose the names they do.

I am WELL EXCITED!  Shame I can't get local broadcasts over here, but hopefully at least some of my friends and family can listen in.  BBC London should be a good one, if they're using me (I won't know until the day which stations I'll be talking to, but I'll be 'on the phone' for two hours and spend about ten minutes with each interviewer).  Listen in 7am-9am this Sunday!

World domination begins here...


1 comment:

  1. That's awesome! If you need any tips, let me know ;) I'm not at home sunday morning but I'll catch up on it once I'm back. Yay you!! How exciting x
